Excellent Lisa Boyle erotica
9 February 2013
Now, this is how you make a soft-core sex movie! Mostly, these types of films fail because they have either too much tedious plot or too little erotic action. I Like to Play Games gets the balance spot on in my opinion. The story-line is very simple but it never out-stays its welcome. It essentially is used simply as a means of stringing along one erotic encounter after another. There are two things very good about this. One, there are lots of these scenes and little time wasted in between. And secondly this movie is a Lisa Boyle vehicle. She is a pretty stunningly sexy woman and is naked many, many times in this. She plays a mysterious, highly sexed femme fatale who plays dangerous games with a lucky victim. The sexual encounters are very varied in content. But the important thing – and it's hardly a given in this type of movie – they are very sexy. There are several great sequences but special mention has to be made for Lisa's leather strap outfit – seeing truly is believing.

This is surely something of a classic of its type. A 90's sexploitation movie with a great leading lady. A film that does exactly what you hope it will. Can't say fairer than that.
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