One Warm Night (2012–2013)
A heartfelt and highly original web series brought to life by a fantastic cast and crew
12 February 2013
Whether you like revenge stories, mysteries, heartfelt emotion, suspense or assassin ninjas; there's something here for everyone to enjoy!

With an intriguing plot that still remains mostly mysterious and a story that engages you from the start you know you're in for something rare. Only three episodes in, I'm dieing to see the rest and it's sure to be a ride.

The show starts with a group of people assembled under the assumption that they will get another shot at dating the same ex-girlfriend although, foreshadows abide, it is evident that sinister intent is at work and someone is out to murder everybody. Although who, why are the big questions that I'm sure won't be answered until much later, the hint is the how and I think so far the introduced "Ninja" is one of the villains and hired guns working to murder everyone. How he is related to everyone, and how they got themselves into this mess remains to be brought to the light and I will be there to find out.

Produced and created by a crew of 90 or so and acted by over 15 solid leads and some legit direction by the talented Steven Lowe, it definitely shows!

Do yourselves a favor, watch!
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