Perry Mason: The Case of the Wednesday Woman (1964)
Season 7, Episode 13
Locked room with a twist
13 February 2013
Phyllis Hill, wife of prisoner Philip Pine who went to jail on a manslaughter rap hires Perry Mason to help with her husband's parole. But when he does get paroled he gets his old job back as a salesman with a jewelry firm.

The original charge that sent Pine to jail involved him killing one of the jewelry designers. A very expensive diamond went missing at the same time and was never located. A rather unscrupulous private detective played by Michael Pate is using some devious methods to locate the missing gem involving Pine.

In a variation of the standard locked room murder, we see Pine and Pate go into an elevator and when the elevator reaches the bottom we find Pate shot dead with the murder weapon in the elevator with him and no one else. An interesting puzzle for any murder mystery fans let alone fans of Perry Mason. And its Raymond Burr who's waiting on the ground floor for the elevator who has the body appear right before him.

This show carried a lovely variety of suspects that include Lisa Gaye, Marie Windsor, Douglas Dick, and John Hoyt. All of them in the past have played bad people so no clues can be gathered by looking at the cast list.

One of the more clever Perry Mason episodes.
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