The Zero Boys (1986)
One better than zero, but that's it.
14 February 2013
It was Valentines, 87. My dad took back Salvador, and selected this turkey, possibly the worst choice of movie for me. I knew where the film was heading, but I found this one just a long bore, I had to actually fast forward, never reaching the end. For me at this time, this one was unwatchable to me. It's all shot in the dark, the best aspect of it, with a cast of unknowns. It basically about a couple of young guys, playing a harmless combat game, in the woods, only it turns real. When people asked me what was my worst movie, I said this one, a lesser unknown flick of 86, not many people would be familiar with. If trawling through cheap vids you wanna buy, and you see this, and the video guy, wants you take the one off his hands for nothing, do that, just to see how bad it is, where after you can tape over with another movie. If you pay one red cent to see this, that's if the cent still existed you're one' idiot. It's base bad.
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