Violated (1984)
A victim of it's own exploitation, but otherwise, a good drama
18 February 2013
Exploitation is the name of the game here, or I should say sexploitation. We have some real dirt bag business guys, who run an operation, involving prostitution, and raping would be actresses on their way up, where they record them like when they're a little drunk and take off their clothes at parties, so they can't testify, as it could jeopardize their careers. One actress goes up against them to no avail as she's rudely interrogated by cop, J. C. Quinn, where under his tough facade, is a real compassionate fella who tells the girl Liz, up straight, what will happen if she takes these creeps to court. Another victim/actress Lisa, seeks help from Quinn where they work together, and fall in love, even though he's at least twenty years her senior. When seeing Liz in one of the creep's lesbian porn flicks, he approaches her again, but she's uncooperative, when back hooking for the same sleaze, Jack Diamond, who raped her, as letting that terrible night past. This is a bold sex drama, with frank nudity, sex scenes, but is unpleasant, and does border on the sick side. We have one scene with Liz coming home with one of Diamond's associates in politics. We have a kissing scene, where she disrobes and kisses him more until she's only her pink panties, that are as we fade into a later shot, but then we cut to Lisa and Quinn, similarly making out, and cut back where we aren't sure if it's Liz and company or the other. I liked the boldness of the film, the party scene, especially as if letting the nude actresses go loose and ad lib. This is one of those "no holding back movies", and the baddies are some real nasties, one, threatening this other actress into testifying against Lisa in court, where a more permanent solution is required in the form of a trigger happy gun for hire, John Heard, funny and fantastic, puts a polishing touch on the last of the baddies. But really the exploitation side of this, despoils it. The film, with some unwarranted scenes and frank ones, has some hot class women in it, and shows us how the justice system works in this "your word against their case" scenario, where this manipulative baddies have got their s..t together, you so want them to die.
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