This Is A Balloon!
21 February 2013
Jayantabhai Ki Luv Story is a sweet little movie which one should enjoy with one family. Nothing extraordinary except the prose that might make you laugh.

Vivek & Neha succeed at the beginning to create some chemistry between them,. And the plot starts to develop just like a balloon. Yes, there are hundred of illogical sequences but, it also has some great laughs. Provided you are not too serious about cinema. But, then after the interval, things fall apart and I feel bad about it. I enjoyed the first part more than I did the second part.

Story is straightforward, screenplay is pathetic, direction is cool & performances are great. I think Vivek should stop doing such movies (KLPD) and get into mainstream cinema. Neha Sharma is hot, but lacks charisma. Her expressions are wooden & the supporting people did well, too!

Pretty nice songs & overall, an average flick. For being a critic, I can give it no more than 4 because it lacks substance, strong humor, screenplay, logic or invention.

Can be watched with a typical Indian family? YES

Language: Mediocre | Sex & Nudity: No | Violence: Strong | Gore: Strong | Smoking & Alcohol: Strong
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