The Corporation is Your Friend----Not!
24 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
To me, this film provides the same hokum as Part I. If we just leave corporations and their ingenious stewards to their own devices the world would be a terrific place. Also, the government just wants to nationalize all the businesses, kill any creative thinking, and distribute all their profits to everyone equally.

Was I hallucinating when unregulated large banks and corporations brought the world to the brink of depression some five years ago? Was I also on another planet when the government saved their butts with enormous capital infusions, then got out as soon as they were paid back?

Don't get me wrong in that I'm a big fan of big government. It can be incredibly incompetent and untrustworthy. But we do have some checks and balances in place to prevent the crapola that's presented in this film.

I will state this, that corporations left to their own devices have proved to me that will shield their profits and thus taxes to the U.S.A., try and destroy or limit unions. fix prices, cut benefits for workers, fire experienced personnel so they can hire low paid workers, etc.etc etc.

One of the main points of the movie is that the government just stifles the great innovative thinkers of industry. Perhaps I can suggest two movies that come to mind--the documentary "Who Killed the Electric Car" and Greg Kinnear's film, based on a true story, "Flash of Genius". There are many other examples but in these films the large corporations did all they could to either quash or steal new innovative ideas if they were any threat to their bottom line.

This film turned my stomach and made my blood boil. I saw on Wikipedia that Part III will be coming out in July, 2014. Good, this will give me plenty of time to get my blood pressure medication renewed.
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