motherhood is above everything else,
24 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
A polish director Anna Plutecka-Mesjasz, one of the rare woman directors in world cinema which is dominated by mankind and 'Lose to Win' is her first shoot. I am grateful to be informed about the story of a devoted mother, Agata Mróz by a woman director ,this is because ,I am sure that the story of a motherhood cannot be expressed better by a male director by comparison with a female.

Nad Zycie tells a true story of a successful Polish national volleyball player Agata Mróz who suffered from leukemia what made her give up from sportsmanship. Storyline drives the audience to question about human life and formidable decisions from the viewpoint of a mother.

In spite of having a very impressive storyline about a formidable decision between life and death, the movie is poor due to some problems with delivery and technique. There is also some mistakes with logic; It can be accepted to focus on a person's lifetime with some praise as usual in all biographies, however, in the movie as if, it is not enough to put her life at stake for her baby to be considered as a hero, there is always some exaggerated compliments for Agata during the movie, even in the training, only Agata is appreciated by coach. Other logical mistake is being one of the most important national player in Poland Agata even does not have a private room and no specialist given to her serve to take care. As I know premature infants have to be put incubator, however in movie her dad just takes away to house. All this problems that I have mentioned result from, I think, film crew who has no previous experiences in cinema, director Anna Plutecka-Mesjasz and writers Patrycja Nowak, Michal Zasowski let their presence be known with that movie.

Having many easily noticeable problems should not be comprehended that the audience cannot be impressed by such a tragic storyline about a faithful mother, indicating that motherhood is above everything else, even mother's own life. I am clearly sure no one can resist being impressed while realizing how Agata begins to hold on life again thanks to tie between a mother and her baby and Agata's struggle to convince dissidents especially, her husband, strongly rejects her desire of giving birth.

As a conclusion, despite the fact that some technical problems affect the quality of movie, I am glad being informed the struggle of a devoted mother Agata Mróz who taught to me a mother can be brave even to risk her life to taste maternity.
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