Ingeborg Holm (1913)
I Ended Up Liking This Film!
24 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
In the mid-1990's, Turner Classic Movies had a documentary I really enjoyed called "Cinema Europe". This movie was one of the movies that clips were shown from. For some reason, I wanted to see every film the documentary touched on. I learned, fairly early on, that just because it was on the documentary didn't mean it was a good film. The ending, which "Cinema Europe" got wrong by the way, is why I liked this film. I'll let you watch it to see just what it was. I'm glad the ending was what it was because it was one of the most depressing films I'd ever seen. Ingeborg's husband has a stroke, a worker ruins the store, her husband dies, her children are all taken away from her, one dies and I guess the other one dies, too, because you don't hear from him after he's put in a foster home. This is an awful lot on poor Ingeborg's mind. Her youngest child is a baby and when he doesn't recognize her when he's brought in for a visit, her mind snaps. But the ending is not as bleak as the rest of the picture, far from it. There are also some other things to like about this film. One is the fact that it did help bring about change in Swedish policy. Also, they do something neat that some movies from that period did. The playwright is introduced, star Hilda Bergstrom is introduced and the actor playing the baby is introduced. I thought that was a nice touch.
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