Beast Wishes (2012)
A well presented engaging story of one of the most influential people in Hollywood
27 February 2013
I was able to purchase a copy of Beast Wishes, at the Monsterpalooza show from the filmmakers Frank Dietz and Trish Geiger back when they were first starting to gain more recognition for a story that needed to be told!

Both of them have become very good friends with Bob and Kathy Burns who both have a true love and passion for the movies. Throughout the years Bob started to gain friendships within the industry, and began to amass a collection of many many different props, masks and obscure items from the people that made those films.

As you progress through the film you can begin to see the genuine kindness and good humor that Bob and Kathy both possess, as well as the willingness to educate, encourage, and brighten the lives of everyone that they meet.

Any fan of the movies will drool over the large and vast collection that the both of them have gained over the years. Pieces from Alien, Plan 9 from Outer Space, The Mummy (the original), and so much more! It is amazing to see that all of these pieces have been preserved so well, and loved as much as the people who originally made them.

I found myself wanting to see and learn more after I had finished watching the documentary, and wanted to get the chance to see these props for myself! It was SO cool to know that there are people out there who have a true love of the movies, and don't treat them as just a small gimmick that isn't going to last that long. They truly do last a lifetime and seeing what pieces the creators used to make those films possible makes you want to go back and watch those movies again just so you can find that small prop from a Star Trek episode that you see in this film!

Also home haunters will appreciate the work that Bob and Kathy did for their homes each year to make it more fun for all of the trick r treaters that would come to their house. It was by far one of my favorite parts of the movie (being a home haunter myself) and I was literally on the edge of my seat so I could get a better look at all the details that went into these yearly events!

You need to get yourself a copy of this documentary, it brings back that spark of excitement that you had as a kid watching a new movie for the first time. Memories begin to flood back into your mind of some of your favorite movies and you will find yourself wanting to rewind and go back to scenes that show different props and rare pieces of film history. I loved this film and hope that everyone who watches it feels that same sense of magic that I did watching it for the first time!
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