One Warm Night (2012–2013)
A very unexpected and intriguing series
27 February 2013
After being persuaded to watch this series multiple times I finally gave it a go and was very surprised by what I saw.

Each episode(only two in so far) leaves more questions than it answers and you are left wondering just like most of the cast what the hell is going on but ultimately in a good and creative way.

It's also nice to see a pool of actors, who I'm told all act under the same coach, who actually show spot of talent and really contribute in their roles. If there's anything I enjoy seeing above the line, it's talent that works to add to the story and enhance the script as opposed to making the script work for them. Personal opinion but it appears to work well here.

I definitely need to see more episodes to get a better idea of what's going on plot wise but it seems to develop itself. You have a bunch of men who apparently are trying to get the same ex girlfriend to love them again but are gathered under false pretenses. A random ninja who is a "hired gun" I believe and is out for blood, appearing and disappearing exactly the way I always believed the best ninja could. I must have had an obnoxiously large smile on my face seeing him move around like a ghost.

I'm glad to have been impressed by a web series that actually put in a spool of hard EFFORT to make something new and put in risks where most series do not for the sake of slapstick gags and quick viral views. One Warm NIGHT will be loved and it will be hated, but I strongly believe that it will never be forgotten.

Best of luck to the rest of the series and a big congratulations to all involved
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