There's Almost No Reason To Actually Bother Watching This
28 February 2013
There are movies that you expect to be bad even before you turn them on. That, of course, raises the question of why you're bothering with such a movie, but that's for another time and another place! "Clear Lake, WI" is a movie that you expect will be bad - and it lives up (or down) to those expectations.

A film student decides to make a documentary on the side about something that happened in Clear Lake, Wisconsin 15 years before. Apparently there had been some sort of plague, several children had died and the town had been evacuated and no one had ever returned. As the deaths were happening, some local preacher gathered a bunch of high school kids around him (because high school kids are always attracted to local preachers) - and I guess they killed people, although that part of the story really wasn't explained well, except that the kids were under the preacher's control and they all got off, and the film-maker has re- united them all in Clear Lake to make her documentary. But something funny is going on, and of course the kids (except now they're adults, because it's 15 years later, start to be killed.) Yeah. To be honest, this was pretty boring. Very slow in developing and with nothing especially interesting until the very end, and even that didn't really stay with me.

The only actor of note in this is Michael Madsen as the preacher. Frankly, he's a busy enough actor. Why he bothered with this I'm not really sure. I regret just having watched it. I can't imagine what it would be like to have it on your acting resume! (2/10)
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