Review of Reign

Reign (2012)
Reign: Powerful short about the conflicts of duty vs. humanity
28 February 2013
When I saw the trailer for this short I couldn't wait to watch it. What a poignant and powerful film packed into 17 minutes. The impact of the emotions I felt watching the film didn't quite hit me as hard until a few minutes after it was over. With these shorts you can have the prettiest set and the best equipment and actors etc. but if the content is not there the message never gets to the audience which was not the case with Reign. The film was beautifully shot and the writer Kimberly Jentzen not only provided a powerful script but directed the film as well. One of the main characters played by Sheetal Sheth, in my opinion was the foundation of the film. She gave a powerful not overstated but subtle heartfelt performance. Overall the film did a good job of conveying the conflicts of war and the conflicts of war within ourselves in respect to the choices we make. As a veteran thankfully I was never in that position or conflict but I do understand what it's like to put that uniform on and the responsibility and pride that go with it. Fantastic work by the filmmaker and the entire cast for all your hard work and for tackling such a heartbreaking topic.
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