Thor: Tales of Asgard (2011 Video)
Great Movie, for what it is, but is not a blockbuster by any stretch
6 March 2013
This movie is great at what it is and the people giving it the negative reviews need to get out of the box once in a while. What it is; is a look at Thor and Loki on their first real adventure, the trouble they get into (good and bad) and the consequences of their actions. It is also a brief look at Thor's relationship with Sif and the Valkyrie. Animation is good, not great, but the story and fresh perspective of the young Thor make up for it. I rated the movie high because I enjoyed the risk they took to make it; PLUS, anytime I can watch a movie like this and not guess just about every plot twist AND still enjoy the movie and the story---I am happy. Fun watch, and if your a Thor fan, you will like it all the more.
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