Quite possibly the worst film I have seen.
6 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I am by no means an experienced movie reviewer but I've seen enough films and have been an avid horror film buff for 30 years to know when I've seen a terrible movie. I've seen the lowest budget to the major studio releases and every film in between. This is my first review on IMDb which should speak volumes since I decided to take time to warn people not to waste your time with this movie. You'd be better off taking the hour and twenty minutes raking a cheese grater against your forehead! Even the lowest budget shlockers offer something for entertainment. Whether it be excessive gore or scantily clad girls...they do SOMETHING to try to catch your attention, even if it is the most low brow base function.

As I watched this I kept waiting for something to happen.....something PLEASE! It never delivers. A regurgitation of overly used clichés and zero originality is what you have in store for you. If you want something to bore you to sleep, I suppose renting this is cheaper than a bottle of sedatives. Or if you have an overpowering desire to become so irritated at the rubbish that you are witnessing on screen to the point of shoving your finger in your eye and swirling it around a bit, then by all means watch this film. Otherwise avoid it like the plague.
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