Bava Takes on the Vikings
11 March 2013
A mysterious knife-throwing viking warrior protects a young peasant woman and her young son from the clutches of a evil regent bent on claiming the title of king and the woman for himself.

Although a certified fan of Mario Bava's work (particularly his horror films), what actually got me interested in watching this was Giacomo Rossi-Stuart. For American audiences, non-American (or at least non-English speaking) actors rarely get noticed. The number of Italians famous in America can be counted on one hand. And this is a shame -- Italy has its share of stars, and Rossi-Stuart is one of them.

He is not top billed here (Cameron Mitchell is), but still attracts notice. His look is so distinctive, I just really appreciate him for the presence he brings to the screen.

I have nothing to say about the actual movie... it is pretty good, but not a genre I feel confident making strong judgments about.
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