The Chaser (1928)
Could Have Been Shortened
14 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I was prepared to hate this film as much as I hated another film he produced, but it was not quite as bad. In this film, Harry is a carouser and is sentenced to perform his wife's duty. She puts on a coat and tie, but it also wearing a skirt. Harry should have been allowed to wear long pants under his apron. Aftr being kissed by a repo and ice man, he decides to kill himself. He then changes his mind. Only his wife doesn't know that. She brings the girls from work home to see just how his wife is doing that. However, the wife does not find him. One of her friends finds a suicide note by an overturned bottle of poison. They decide to leave and the wife cries. In fact, she looks kind of scary as the mascara runs. Later his mother-in-law reassures her that she bets Harry will turn out very much alive. After some scenes involving a golf game and several girls in bathing suits playing elsewhere in the park (at least some of this should have been cut), he winds up covered in flour back at his house. The mother-in-law sees him screams and runs out. The wife, however, is glad to see him again and that provides a happy ending, which is why I give it a "3" instead of a "2" like his other film from this period.
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