14 March 2013
Well...Nice to know some people appreciate it, in that case it doesn't matter what someone says, it was worth it for them. I was so-so. It is a decent and cute idea, I didn't find it too cliché like some supposedly said, and I don't mind too much if it was, if done right...I don't know much about baseball to keep this movie in check on facts so I can't/won't discuss that. I just didn't feel that much chemistry between the lead actors. The progression of the story to me spent little time in the childhood and connection of the characters to really understand why he loved her so much, besides that he just never tried to find anyone else. At it's core it is a humble story which makes it nice and not trying too hard, but then I feel they could've done just a bit more. It's reminiscent of Forrest Gump if no one minds that comparison, but not by any means as good. I say if it's good to you,just ignore other people and if you hated it, go ahead. I never see a problem with people who can appreciate something for what it is. But I guess my tastes just didn't match....
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