Worst Movie Ever?
16 March 2013
Stumbled upon the movie on the telly today. It was like watching a car crash. Horrific, but couldn't stop watching. The writing, the acting, the plot... All were competing to see which could be the biggest turd. Seriously, really, really bad. Don't say you weren't warned. The gentleman playing the boss of the other drivers was particularly pathetic, and I almost thought that the writers were trying to get him to make fun of the mentally deficient.

Random scenes were added willy-nilly throughout the film which made this stinking pile of crap even worse, if that is even possible.

Also, the actors when delivering their pathetic lines, were often staring off into space, as if there were no director on the set. I have seen fifth grade school plays that were more cognizant than this disgrace to movie making. The makers of this film should be deeply ashamed of themselves.
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