I am torn about rating this movie...
20 March 2013
If you like porn with a plot -- I do! -- then take a look at this movie. I was expecting an NC17 kind of movie, but when you include cum shots, sorry in my book that crosses over to porn. In that category, it might have been a 6 or 7 except for one small problem.

I am a typical American in very few ways, but I really, really, really do not like point in time stories with no beginning, climax or end. I think of this as a European / International genre. I always feel cheated because just when I am engaging with the characters -- oops its over.

Now, if you like this type of story and you also like porn with a plot, this movie will probably "WOW" you...

My rating system: 10-The Perfect Movie 9-I will watch it over and over again 8-Ther is something special about this movie 7-Well above average 6-slightly better than average 5-Average Movie (Worth Watching!) 4-Slightly Blow Average 3-Boring / Well Below Average 2-So Bad I Got Up and Walked Out 1-I cannot imagine anyone liking this movie
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