'DJANGO UNCHAINED' is a kick-ass entertainer!
22 March 2013

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'DJANGO UNCHAINED' is a kick-ass entertainer!

Like any other Tarantino film, it has a tinseled appeal and bold sentimentality, embroidered with mind-blowing acts from all its actors.

Set in the eighteenth-century era of the Deep South and Old West, the film trails an unbound slave (Jamie Foxx) who treks across the United States with a bounty hunter (Christoph Waltz) on a task to rescue his wife (Kerry Washington) from a harsh and alluring plantation owner (Leonardo DiCaprio).

Unlike other Tarantino flicks, which are portrayed in chapters, Django Unchained has a linear narrative. It reliably rotates around the two characters, played by Foxx and Waltz, who share practical aims. With a runtime of quarter to three hours, the film could've been a dull watch, but the screenplay is so captivating that never do you comprehend the length. Tarantino gives you one attractive scene after the other, keeping you deeply absorbed in the whole drama. In addition to this, the humor and brazen-faced style is consistently upheld to make the proceedings even more delectable. The writing is immaculate, although, it isn't as shrewd as his preceding film, 'IngloriousBastards'. Each character is sketched so beautifully that it leaves a permanent mark on the audience.

There are scenes that make you laugh, like the one where in the middle of chasing Django and Dr. Schultz, the masked goons fight over the silly issue of who made such clumsy masks. In fact, Jamie Foxx's crude style and attitude, while shooting, or horse-riding, or even while just silently looking, are respectfully mirthful every single time. Then there are raw action scenes filled with blood and gore, and some disturbing depictions of slavery prevailing in the region during the era presented. It touches some really sensitive issues of slavery of the dark-skinned, albeit, upholding the playful flavor of the film. Everything, right from the sets, to the costumes and dialogues seems absolutely authentic.

Now coming to the performances, since it's a Tarantino film, it goes without saying that the performances are impeccable. Jamie Foxx, Leonardo Dicaprio, Samuel Jackson, Kerry Washington and others are totally apt. But it's Christoph Waltz who shines the brightest. His demeanor is truly magnetic and dialogues, delightfully written as well as delivered. He truly deserves the Oscar he was awarded with.

Tout ensemble, Django Unchained is wildly extravagant, ferociously violent and outrageously entertaining. Those who hate blood gore and action might not relish it, but a "Must Watch" for all Tarantino fans! Rating: 4/5
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