the story is the thing
23 March 2013
Before the titles were over I was already making note to praise the intro edit, which was a pitch perfect way to engage the viewer in a honest and visceral way of what was to come. This film is a prime example of the fact that story is what makes a great film, not perfect camera set ups, smooth lighting and overcooked blocking (although the filming itself is nothing to complain about at all...indeed the director has served the story by making it all about the characters, and not about extraneous distractions) It has the rare elements of sub-text, dilemma and jeopardy. I did not once know how the film would end. That is the best thing the filmmaker can give a jaded film buff like me. The chemistry between the main players is amongst the most credible I've seen on film, and I was convinced by the characters in turn. The story was not afraid to go to uncomfortable and complex places, did challenge my understanding and thinking. It did make me react and question, and ultimately it will go in my list of #filmssayingsomething. As an aspiring filmmaker, of course I have my views on technical aspects. But I'd be doing a great film a disservice by writing them here. If blockbusters with rote formula is your thing, this gem may disappoint. However, if you hanker longingly for storytelling, this film will reward.
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