This movie sucked.
25 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Cliché, cheesy, inane, boring, predictable ... all could be used to sum up this horrible movie. It sucked, and I want my money back. Because this is America, and when things suck you should be able to get your $8 back.

I mean, I'm all about suspending disbelief in watching a movie. But Let's face it, if the only three people in the world with the detonation codes for every single nuclear missile were all being held hostage by a terrorist in the White House bunker -- which just happened to be the only place in the world where the detonation codes could be changed -- well, I feel pretty confident the order would be given to storm the White House and kill everyone in it ... including the President. And if the cops and the Navy SEALS couldn't handle this task, I feel pretty sure every one of us gun toting rednecks would swarm on the White House and demolish it to the ground in about 15 minutes.

And speaking of stupid, how about that super dooper gun turret they somehow miraculously smuggled into the White House and strategically placed on the roof such that it could shoot down 6 Navy SEAL helicopters??? OMFG! STOOOPID! This movie was Die Hard on steroids. Lame lame lame lame lame, and again, lame. Of course they cap the whole thing off with the proverbial ticking time bomb at the end ... that our hero just manages to deactivate at the last second, saving us all from certain doom.

What has the American population become that they would try to pass off an utterly inane and stupid piece of malarkey like this movie on us as an even marginally plausible scenario for a terrorist attack ... never-mind having only one goober inside able to thwart the attack ... and we as Americans don't stand up en masse and demand our freakin' money back for this garbage?? Cheesy!
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