Since Feb '13-Public viewer comments-testimonials
26 March 2013

5 Stars: Watched this documentary three times. I joined my husband, who watched it twice!!! Great story, and told so beautifully by the man himself. He did live a Wonderful Life, overcoming all obstacles he met along the way. Watch this, you won't be sorry!!!

I watched Holes In My Shoes for the first time a few weeks ago and I can honestly tell you that it changed my life and how I view the world. My younger 24 yr old brother died tragically in a car accident last year and Jack's letter to Bertha has been an inspiration and that has answered many questions in my family's grieving hearts. He was an extraordinary man. He hit the nail on the head when he said that LOVE was what it is all about. Long live Jack Beers. My 12 yr old son is obsessed with him now. It's amazing. God bless David Wachs, as well. It is this type of filmmaking that should be shown much more often on national TV as well as in classrooms across the country. Thank you very much for making this film. The world needed it.

Truly inspiring! He is the quintessential American!

This film should be required for elementary school students throughout America!

Jack!! I am 44 years old. A lady. I laughed and cried throughout your experiences. I can only hope to take a piece of you and live my life a little fuller. I have yet to experience love...true love of another but your message of the purpose of life is much greater than what I've hoped for. If I don't meet you on this side I hope to get at least a glimpse on the other side! Blessings beautiful man!! And you've still got it mister Jack!!

I teach in a very small alternative high school and would love to get this DVD for my students. This could be so inspirational for those who think they have a tough life. Please send along the information to acquire the DVD about this amazing man.

The great thing about this movie is that without seeing the corroboration, who would believe one person could do all this in a lifetime? I have already begun sharing the stories. Tonight, I will discuss Jack Beers and your movie in my law school class.

Jack you are truly amazing and such an inspiration to people of all ages. I'm in school for Occupational Therapy and am currently taking a class on aging and the elderly. I came across 'Holes in my shoes' and have much appreciation for your persistence and determination through life. Thank you for sharing your story.

Watched it twice. I enjoy learning about people. You don't find the quality of individual like Jack in my generation. It was a great film.

5 Stars: I have never written a review, ever. I am a 46-year-old heterosexual male. But I fell in love with Jack Beers while watching this! An amazing, amazing man! WATCH THIS!!!!

4 Stars: He lived a good life. Maybe to live to 94, you have to be a little over the top. It was great to see a man's life unfold and weave time and history. We can all be better humans by taking a page from people like Beers book of life!

My 92-year husband and I were deeply moved by this beautiful story of life's struggles and what determination can do to reach one's dreams. The secret is the power of love and the knowledge that our creator gives it to us all to reach out and take as his gift to us.

Thank you God & the Internet for letting me see this film! Truly had tears in my eyes when Jack sang at the top of the Empire State Bldg at the end! What a guy and what a colorful and complete life! He thrust himself into the fray that is life and never retreated or gave up! How I wish I could spend just a few minutes in his presence. Everything about him speaks total human being right down to his period of recovery from a broken heart and recovering his love and zest for life after his true love, Bertha left him behind. His broken heart and recovery parallels that of someone very close to me! Losing loved ones is way beyond what someone who has never truly loved another can understand. Jack ~ if you're still alive and reading this ~ Love you Man ~ your life is amazing! They should put a statue up somewhere in NYC where everyone can read a plaque that would reveal the details of someone who lived life beyond measure!

I was blown away by this man and his enthusiasm for life. After viewing the documentary, I was ashamed of my self. I'm 51 and I haven't done a tenth of what this man has accomplished. This guy lived a FULL life. How many of us can say that? Different professions. A never say no attitude. Unarguably an American Institution. If more people were like Jack, the world would be an easier place to tolerate. Rest well. You deserve it. "Top of the woild!"

This guy was so likable and such a great guy. Not a negative bone in his body and he was rewarded in life for it. Reminded me of Forrest Gump.

I just finished watching Holes in my Shoes....What a great film!! Stories like these are what life is about!! I was saddened when I saw that Mr. Beers had passed away, I wished I could have met him.
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