Blues Stop (2003)
This is evidence of a talented young man.
29 March 2013
I should say from the outset that I know Alex. Indeed it was him that showed me this short film not long after it was finished. I would also say to those reading this that while I enjoy films I am not a cinema buff. I prefer 12 Angry Men to The Terminator. I prefer Goldfinger to Skyfall. Thirdly, I would say that Blues Stop is not particularly my kind of film. So, the following commentary should be seen in the context of the foregoing. My view is ... Given the budget and the early career stage of Alex this is a very good effort indeed ! I know that, for me, the sign of a good film is - would I and could I watch it again ? (i.e. maintaining an interest). I have to say, in this case, the answer is YES ! That may not sound great praise to you but it is meant as a sincere compliment. On this showing he has talent. You should watch it.
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