One of the best of the "schulmadchen-report" series
29 March 2013
Although it remains saddled with this, now pretty politically incorrect, English-language title, this was actually the seventh film in long-running German "schulmadchen-report" series, and it is, believe it or not, one of the best of its ilk. It has a decent frame story for once as it begins with the police raiding a brothel that employs teenage girls. One by one, the girls are brought before the magistrate to tell the sordid story of how they each came to be there.

One girl started out using her sexual wiles to get her male classmates to do things for her, but things swiftly spun out of control. Another girl posed as a hitchhiker and used her sexual wiles to lure adult men into a trap where they would be mugged by a gang of male friends, but things take a darker turn for this hapless fraulein as well. The sexiest stories meanwhile involve a girl who decides to lose her virginity to a friend of her father's, taking off everything but her "Velma"-from-"Scooby Doo" glasses and doing him in every position imaginable. There's also a girl who disguises herself as her mother to seduce her (obviously very dimwitted) teacher. Then there's the usual Luigi" story--the early "schulmadchen-report" films featured rubber-faced actor Michael Shriener as a comic buffoon, but he was eventually replaced by a much less funny, ridiculously horny Italian stereotype named "Luigi", whose comic misadventures here involve he and three comely frauleins running around a luxury hotel naked.

As usual the stories veer from sordid melodrama to screwball comedy and back again, but this film lacks some of the TRULY disturbing material found in some of the earlier films of the series (rape, incest, etc.). The actresses here are almost entirely unknowns since the more famous ones such as Christina Lindberg or Ingrid Steeger had moved on to other things by this time. They are actually a quite ATTRACTIVE lot though, neither looking as pimply and corpulent as many sex actresses did in the 1970's, nor being the peroxide-job, plastic surgery disasters associated with these kind of films today. The good-looking (naturally pretty) girls and fast-moving, if not always consistently entertaining, vignettes are the main strengths of this series in general, and they are especially effective here.
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