Perry Mason: The Case of the Prodigal Parent (1958)
Season 1, Episode 36
I wonder what Burger has up his sleeve.. According to Paul it's a lot more then is arm
6 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Working as a secretary for Larkin Import Export Company pretty Lorrine Stevens, Andra Martun, is constantly harassed by her hot in the pants for her boss Philip Larkin, Terry Becker, to be his main squeeze, or woman, in the office. Refusing to have anything to do with the creep he in fact ends up dead from a bullet in the chest with Larkin's step father Joseph Harrison, John Hoyt, who had since divorced his mother Eathel, Fat Wray, as the prime suspect in his murder.

A strange thing happened at the time, between 8:40 and 9.00 PM, of Larkin's murder. Lorraine was directed to pick up a package at a neighborhood jewelry store that never existed! It soon becomes evident to Joseph Harrison attorney Perry Mason, Raymond Burr, that this was set up by Larkin's murderer as a alibi for Lorrine, who had every reason to knock off the guy, to be as far away from the murder scene in order to prevent her from being suspected of committing it! As Perry checks out all the evidence in Larkin's murder he or in fact prosecuting D.A Hamilton "Ham" Burger, William Talman, comes into possession of a home movie that can blow this case wide open. The one thing or person who isn't in the movie is the person who shot it! As it turns out it's that person who knows the real reason behind Larkin's murder and what he or she had to do with Lorrine Stevens who Latkin's killer went so far out of his way out protect from being accused of it!

***SPOILERS*** One of the better Perry Mason episodes that despite it's very complicated storyline, that covers over twenty years and two continent's, is easy to follow and for once makes sense. It had more to do with Lorraine's background, that she was completely unaware of, not the actions of her boss Philip Larkin that lead to his murder. And the person who did Larkin in turned to be someone very close to Lorraine without her knowing about it!

P.S This was one Perry Mason episode where the presiding judge or "Da Judge" in the case was played by non other then actor Morris Arkrum known to his legions of admirers as the take charge as well as take no BS "Eternal Colonel" of the sliver screen. It was Judge Aurkum admitting into evidence the home movie, which at first Perry objected to, that broke the case wide open and eventually proved his client Joseph Harrison innocent.
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