Give it a chance
9 April 2013
I think this has promise - as with all sketch shows some things worked better than others, but on the whole there were some strong ideas and it was better acted than most sketch shows. I'm giving them credit for trying out some different styles and longer formats, especially seeing as they have a strong cast. I actually liked the tense awfulness of some of the longer set-ups. It also has some nice short links to break things up, and overall could be a really solid show given the people involved. There has only been one episode after all! I guess if you think all sketch shows should stick to some pre-ordained snappy time formula this may not be for you, but I think it is worth sticking with as it's trying to do something a bit different and has an interesting, talented and unorthodox cast/directors for a comedy show. If anything, I hope people watch it so that things that are a little off-centre but generally nicely made actually keep getting a chance!Otherwise we might just be left with a string of pale full frontal imitations and attempts to create catch-cry characters for merchandising rewards...
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