Kiara the Brave is not about bravery of any kind.
11 April 2013
I've always felt that "Plan 9 from Outer Space" was the hands down winner of the worst movie of all time contest, until I saw Kiara. Bad voice work, bad script, animation that would have been state of the art in 1939, and I couldn't make any kind of sense of the story. I've rated over 4,000 movies here at IMDb and all I could think while watching this trash was, "is there any way to give a movie a negative rating?" I know there isn't but if one could this would surely rate a negative 10.

I actually grabbed it on NetFlix thinking it was the Pixar movie "Brave" and really felt stupid for being duped by the title. Than a couple of days later our adult daughter came home with it from RedBox to watch with our granddaughter and I pointed out that it wasn't "That Brave" she was a bit sheepish, but I felt a bit better learning that it wasn't just me being taken in by the title and cover art.

Use your time more productively, do anything but watch this dross.
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