How to teach a genius to have fun with Foghorn Leghorn
13 April 2013
Feather Dusted is enormous fun, one of my favourites from a unique cartoon character who I appreciate much more from a young adult perspective. It isn't particularly original or surprising story-wise, but if you're familiar with the Foghorn Leghorn cartoons you'd expect not to look for those. It is a crisply paced cartoon and enormously entertaining from start to finish. The native American stereotyping might be a problem for some(the same people who will dislike the stereotyping of southerners in The Dixie Fryer), I personally wasn't offended by it, it was only words and it wasn't done heavy-handedly and have seen worse examples. Also Feather Dusted also came at a time where people weren't afraid to be politically incorrect. Whatever your feelings are on this issue, it isn't enough to detract from the quality of the rest of the cartoon. The animation is great, the vibrant colour, detail and fluidity are all there. As is the music, which is very energetic and characterful complete with beautiful orchestration. The visual gags are very imaginative and funny, seeing water coming out from holes out of Foghorn at the end is enough to crack anybody up. But the best of the humour is from Foghorn's dialogue, it is as ever sharp and witty, the repetition is endearing and you have to admire and wonder how the writers get these crazy similes for Foghorn, "I say this will be more fun than a barrel of half witted monkeys", "that boy's as timid as a canary on a cat show" and especially "probably as cold as a nudist on an iceberg!" are priceless. Egghead and his mother are good character, but not enough to steal the show from under Foghorn, who doesn't disappoint here at all. And that is true also with Mel Blanc's vocal characterisations. All in all, just great, any Foghorn fan will love it. 9/10 Bethany Cox
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