CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Stalker (2002)
Season 2, Episode 19
Why introduce the supernatural?
15 April 2013
The whole point of CSI is that the answers are found through science.

So why have a clairvoyant with psychic knowledge of the crime? If it was X-Files I wouldn't mind if there was a clairvoyant, a platoon of clairvoyants, or a battalion of clairvoyants, but it is totally out of place in CSI.

Also, the clairvoyant character actually added nothing to the plot at all, apart from being a very slight red herring.

Really, if you know the Gil Grissom character, can you image him bringing someone who claims parapsychic knowledge to a crime scene, then leaving him unattended there? Not on.

Also, it's implausible that someone could "move into" someone else's attic, still do his day job, and remain unobserved for months on end.

And how could the perp, a short dude, hurl Nick, a much larger dude, through a second floor window? Oh maybe he used telekinesis.
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