The Cottage (2012)
Very creepy thriller
17 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is definitely not the worst movie I have ever seen but not the best either of this genre. My take on this movie was that Rose met a man on the internet and they became lovers. She told him about her family and her Mother's death and how she felt about what had happened with his Dad remarrying so soon after her Mother's death and they had a baby. The man she got involved with was a charismatic psychopath very like Charles Manson. At least, that is who I thought of while watching this movie.

It appeared he picked girls who had a lot of anger toward their families and helped them reek vengeance on them and anyone else associated that was felt had done harm to this person. It was like he had formed his own cult of wives who held undying allegiance to him. They would do his every bidding and over time he added to his group of wives. He would abduct family members and others associated to the person to perform a killing ritual at the end of a marriage ceremony. It seemed like some sort of bonding issue to leave the past behind and rid the person of any attachments and take revenge for whatever ills they felt had been perpetrated on them.

Therefore after a fight with her family, some of them getting away and some of the girls being killed and David Arquette's character getting badly hurt, you don't know if they really get away or not. The girls, one in particular you never suspected is telling her that Arquette has been hurt worse and will survive and how much he is devoted. They are cajoling Rose to stay with them. They are a family group in their minds. Here you find out his following is well more than three or four but a huge number. It leaves you wondering if they get caught and if the three you see of Rose's family and think survived did indeed survive.

This movie really gave me the creeps and with the way they did the soundtrack did cause me to jump a few times even though I knew what was going to happen. The acting was fine and the suspense was there. It reminded me of Hitchcock movies. The antagonist's (Arquette) spaced out way of interacting with the characters is extremely disconcerting. If you like movies that are sheer tension this is a good movie for wondering what he is actually trying to accomplish even with many clues. You knew he was homicidal but not exactly why. He did it for the object of his affection at the time. He seemed to have chosen those that had gone through family trauma and turned out broken.
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