Your First Impression (1961–1964)
vivid memories
21 April 2013
I have a vivid memory of this show from grammar school for some reason. It's possible, though I can't say for sure, that we used to go home for lunch and watch it - our school was within walking distance. At any rate I saw it every day.

There were three panelists - I recall George Kirgo, Dennis James, and Paul Winchell, though over time there may have been others. There would be photos of five celebrities - one was in a soundproof box, and the panelists had to guess which one. They would ask questions and Leyden, who wore an earpiece, would answer. I think there was also a contestant who possibly had to pick which panelist would be correct or something. That part is vague I remember that Paul Winchell couldn't get the right answer no matter what. Once, there was a question about hair, and Leyden censored the answer, meaning that he said that he couldn't reply because it would give the celebrity's identity away. Obviously to the panelists this meant the celebrity was bald. There were two bald men in the photos. One was the composer Dimitri Tiomkin. Winchell chose him and it was the other contestant. Winchell finally guessed right when Ann Miller was on the show, and left the panelists chair to come up and hug her.

I also remember Linda Christian being on the show promoting her autobiography. I remember that because at that time, Saturday Night at the Movies, which was a 20th Century Fox show, was on at the time, showing Fox films from mostly the '50s, and I had a crush on Tyrone Power, who had been married to Linda. Forty-some years later, I met Linda and Tyrone's daughters.

I think I remember this show because it had a very relaxed atmosphere and the panelists ad-libbed and seemed to have a good time. Also I loved show business and wanted to be an actress so I liked anything with celebrities.

I have distinct memories of "Your First Impression" as well as "Here's Hollywood" - never missed them!
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