Karate Girl (2011)
A Japanese martial arts movie that is quite good...
22 April 2013
Having just seen "High Kick Girl", it was with a certain amount of dread of expectation of disappointment that I sat down to watch "Karate Girl" (or "K.G."). However, those disappointments and fears were quickly swept away, as this movie was a rather nice step up compared to the other movie - both story-wise, production-wise and entertainment-wise.

The story in "Karate Girl" was rather enjoyable and had quite more depth to it, than what was seen in "High Kick Girl". The story is helped along nicely but more well-choreographed martial arts and better acting. The story told in this movie is about a legendary martial arts master whose belt is coveted by some 'bad guy'. He invades a dojo and kills the martial arts master here in order to obtain it, as well as killing one of his two daughters, while kidnapping the second to raise and turn into a killing weapon. Having survived the ordeal, Ayaka (Rina Takeda) grows up carrying around her family secret, and comes face to face, literally, with her past.

And one of the best things about the movie was the fact that they had moved away from having to show the same scene two times over, in either slow motion or in a slightly different angle. Sure, it does still happen every once in awhile here in this movie, but not like "High Kick Girl".

If you have seen "High Kick Girl", I strongly suggest you forget all about it and move on to watch "Karate Girl", as it is better in every single aspect, despite having a fair amount of faces appear from "High Kick Girl" in this movie as well.

"Karate Girl" is actually good entertaining, though not amongst the highest ranking martial arts movies, but still, it delivered and entertained.
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