There's only limited appeal in this Russ Meyer western
23 April 2013
This comedy western was one of the early nudie cuties from sexploitation king Russ Meyer. Like his other early films this one is effectively a silent movie, seeing as there is no synchronised sound aside from the cowboy who occasionally pops up to narrate events. The lack of sound synchronisation means that it's sometimes hard to get very involved with events on-screen and what we are effectively left with is comedy and breasts. Of the latter, there really is a limited supply, of the former there is sadly rather a lot. I say sadly because the humour is almost all very lame indeed. As it turned out, Meyer directed several very funny movies but he needed an actual plot-line and characters to achieve this. This one, like all his nudie cuties, is little more than an extended sketch. It clocks in at just over an hour but to be honest that's more than enough given the distinct lack of material.

Jokes are replayed over and over. It's not particularly erotic, although there is one pretty striking woman in a burlesque get-up. There is only a bit of the director's famed visual style and quick edits, although he does make the most of his shoestring budget and does at least attempt to make the sets appear interesting and colourful, even if they are more or less cardboard. Overall, this is a film for Meyer completists or students of early cinematic erotica. It's not really going to do much for anybody else.
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