OK, I confess, I did it...
25 April 2013
OK, I needed a job in 1991 (or thereabouts, I really can't remember)...and I was friends with Leo Fong...a very nice guy and hopeful film-maker. He enlisted my help to resurrect a film that had been started a few years earlier, and then quickly abandoned, after a dispute between Cynthia and her boyfriend, and the producer(s) of the film. My job was to retrieve the printed work-print and sound rolls from a storage vault in Hollywood (during which I seriously injured by back, which I suffer from to this very day), and piece together the measly amount of actual footage shot with Rothrock during a two or three day period. Then I incorporated new footage that was shot, and helped suggest new scenes to make the "story" work...It was a complete mess, but I did the best I could...(at the same time I was cutting this at director's sound in Burbank, I ran into Charlie Napier who was there looping for "rocketman", and asked him to appear in Don Jackson's "Return to Frogtown"...another story all together...) Should I write an autobiography of my life in the low budget film world??? Would anybody read it??? I guess not...
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