A great comedy that does not take itself too seriously.
1 May 2013
What a stupid film... but I really liked it.

I knew it was a comedy, but I was not expecting it to be this amusing.

The film is exactly what you would expect from the title... Londoners trying to escape a zombie plague from the East End.

There are some really great scenes in it... and the characters cockney accents really makes the comedy stand out more. It makes it more funny.

There are a couple of famous faces in the cast list. Our home born, Michelle Ryan plays one of the main characters. Michelle has had an interesting career so far. She started off in that rubbish soap opera, Eastenders... then she did a couple more TV shows before moving to America where she played the Bionic Woman... now she is back making more TV shows and movies here. This film also has former Bond girl, Pussy Galore... Honor Blackman.

The acting was not particularly great in this film, but that is a good thing when it comes to a movie like this. If the acting was good, then it would not have been as funny. This film does not take itself too seriously which I really like. It makes fun of itself in that they know that the way cockneys talk, their language, is funny and they use that to their advantage to get the laughs.

There is a character in the film that I love... he was my favourite character. But as with most awesome characters, he was only in it for a little while. He was not one of the main cast members. There is an old guy that always talks in cockney rhyming slang... but he seems to get it wrong every time. But when he is questioned about it, he can make everything rhyme. It is funnier than I just made it sound. You will have to see it to understand. haha

There are a few people I know that have seen this and they didn't like it. They thought it was too stupid and not funny... but then, they admitted to not understanding their accents in the film. I understand why people wouldn't like it... the budget looked very cheap on it. It had a b-move feel to it. In some scenes, it made me feel like I was watching a cheesy 80s horror film. Again though, i like those movies. So, if you are thinking you are going to see a comedy with lost of gore, you are! But the gore is not necessarily realistic. :)

I will give this film 7 out of 10.

I will leave you with one of my favourite quotes from the film:

"Those things are vampires! We need crucifixes, garlic, silver, holy water, and Christopher Lee!"

"No, you sloppy tart, those things are f*****g zombies!"

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