This flick ain't king
1 May 2013
This kickboxing straight to video flick, I have to admire it's twist on it's story, plus of course, the personal angle. While witnessing his older brother having the life kicked out of him by this big, unbeatable oaf, as a kid, now many years, later, Loren-now an unorthodox undercover cop, you can't help but love, due to his charm, is given a new assignment. A band of sicko's + the oaf, Khan, are making snuff films where Khan, mostly the main player, does his stuff. Of course not wanting to return to Thailand, due to that tragedy many years ago, when viewing a snuff tape, he of course, reconsiders, and he's there lickety split. Loren's way over dramatic acting, that's laughable, had me in a utter state of unbelief, among some other amateur performers, of course excluding legends (Richard Jaeckel, who overacts some too, like in one early confrontational scene shared with Loren, plus Don Stroud who's really only in two scenes, you wonder why he bothered. He doesn't even look like he wants to be there, and I for one don't blame him. Loren does though add personality and spark, his screen presence does pull you in. While in Thailand, Loren is tutored by an older professional kick boxer who went up against Khan, and payed a heavy price. Now it's up to Loren to avenge the past, by taking on Khan, where of course we know the overthrowing result that makes a happy ending. Loren falls in love too, with a girl, whose dreams didn't work out the way she had planned. She's one of a flock of working girls, who are all considered by our numbskull Khan, and others, as beautiful which they aren't. When selected by Khan, Lorens soon to be lover, makes a mad dash, repulsed to the max. Let's face it, Khan isn't someone a girl would like to take home for her mother to meet. KOTK is a barely adequate, but really an under par martial arts flick, the movie riding on a too light, though original story, worth it's weight in Khan's IQ.
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