Another fim in bad taste, but in this case, a good thing
3 May 2013
What a bizarre flick this is. Borderline porn, reversely different from Jackson's Bad Taste, this almost seems appropriate, one factor I loved about this. Set around this t.v. show where some of the puppets are really bad and devious sorts, most of the characters in Showgirls should get together with them. Everything and anything shocking comes up in this, including gore, some puppet porn, plus a fly feeding on faecies. Certainly something different, this PJ flick only had a couple of special screenings back in 91 at the Academy, and really I guess it deserved more. Definitely an improvement on his horrible but undeniably lovable dreck, Bad Taste, this captivates the viewer by how far these puppets go. Like Ted, the puppets here were well manned, some of them actually cute and likable like Robert the slightly stuttering hedge hog, and his bitch on heat, this white female poodle, Lucille, oblivious to the fact, she's about to become a star in this scuzzy rat's underground sex flick. Heidi the hippo, the star of our show, goes nuts in the end, guns blazing, at the discovery of her husband, Harry the Walrus, having it off with a southern bell speaking floosy. If you liked to be really shocked, deeply humored, or after something different, where the coin could toss both ways, give this one a go. Besides Robert, I really did love Heidi, especially eating out a bakery. I wish Peter Jackson still made these offbeat kind of films.
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