Castle: The Human Factor (2013)
Season 5, Episode 23
Another unusual episode
7 May 2013
This is an unpredictable episode. With a car exploding in the streets of New York, NYPD has to work on the case with a lack of material and resources because the FBI are taking the case. Why? They don't know. Until later, of course.

Castle has changed. The show, not the character. Most of the latest episodes are not like Castle used to be. Maybe they have gotten a much more Hollywood-ish director that loves clichés? That is what has happened. Maybe the producers think that their fans don't like the old-school Castle, so they have to boost it up with bombs and non-stop excitement?

The last episode was a bit like what I just described. This episode was a little more Castle-ish, but still a bit more Hollywood than usual. A case that the Precinct can't access from the government and work underneath the radar. An overall good episode but a little too more of unrealistic excitement and Hollywood-clichés. 8/10.
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