Review of Bite Marks

Bite Marks (2011)
An OK gay comedy/horror movie.
9 May 2013
A bickering gay couple--Cary (Windham Beacham) and Vogel (David Alanson)--are backpacking across the country. They get tired and hitchhike and are picked up by hunky handsome trucker Brewster (Benjamin Lutz). He's transporting coffins (!!!) to a funeral home. However the truck breaks down near a deserted junkyard, night is falling and it seems the coffins in back have blood thirsty vampires...

It starts off OK. Lutz is a good actor and bares his butt briefly. Beacham and Alanson are OK too--and Alanson bares HIS butt. The basic plot is interesting but the film gets more convoluted as it goes on...and stupider. The comedy isn't that good either. If veers from OK to groan worthy and there are some gross out gags that I could have lived without. Still this is not horrible. Lutz and Alanson are VERY attractive, the vampire makeup is effective and there's a hilarious (and ACCURATE) conversation on vampires in films! I laughed out loud when Lutz says, "If you guys talk about "Twilight" I'm throwing you out!" So--all in all--just OK.
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