Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver (2013)
Season 7, Episode 13
Can this please stop now? It's 2013!
12 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The chaotic episodes in this series continue. My kids persuaded me to come and watch another one. Clara, the nanny (is she the nanny of those kids?) is found out, so the Doctor takes the lot to a Luna Park far away, but, hey ho, the park is out of action, features however a Moonscene from Earth, that still works with an anti-gravity button, but needs blanked out ropes and hidden platforms in order to persuade the viewer there is no gravity. ''Oh nooo!'' I thought. In the past I attended movies, where toddlers got so bored, they started playing in the isles, throwing with popcorn and so forth. My own children started to twitter with each other on their i-pods and talking about proms. Then the ''we've seen it all before'' kicked in: Willow operating a chess-machine, Star Trek Borg facial appliances with the obligatory led-lights, Wrath of Khan creepy crawlers entering the body, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy ''sign-the-form please Ma'am'', briefcase-shaped doom-device, a small group of Stargate NERD soldiers, Willow appearing to be the 1000 Galaxies Emperor and no-one sussed that one, but the clever Jonathan Creek girl at the end. When The Doctor, who initially identified himself as a sort of military commander, but was later just addressed as ''The Doctor'', started to talk to himself against a background very reminiscent of the old computer game ''The Sentinel returns'' and then disabled his opponent with a golden ticket and anti-cyberman neck device on his own face(!), I almost screamed: ''Can This Please Stop Now? It's 2013! We want proper scripts!'' The episode imploded with an explosion of a planet, which was supposed to implode and Emperor Willow being rejected after an ''unexpected'' wedding proposal. ''How did you know, that he wanted to ask her to marry him, daddy?'' I had a lot of popcorn to clear when the lights went back on.
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