Law & Order: Home Sweet (2006)
Season 17, Episode 3
The Old Girl Network
12 May 2013
It's a case of deliberate arson of an old Manhattan town house that Jesse Green and Mila Govich are assigned in this Law And Order episode. The episode opens up with it blown up and a little girl passing by killed in the flying debris.

The owner inside Robert Edward Lunney miraculously escapes with only some minor injuries. But we still have a homicide of a child to investigate so it's not strictly in the hands of the fire marshals.

Sam Waterston and Alana DeLa Garza build a strong case against the former wife Nora Dunn who has a background in electricity as it was sabotaged wiring and gas line that did the deed. Her father was an electrician.

She married a trust fund baby in Lunney who is owing her big time in back alimony. For that reason she gets high priced Gloria Allred like attorney in Madchen Amick to defend her.

And she nearly gets the case scratched before it goes to court. The judge says the indictment is legally insufficient, but she's part of the new old girl's network so her motives are suspicious.

Dunn is a truly hateful individual. For all her whining about her missed alimony she squeeze 5 million out of the 20 million owed her by Lunney. Nothing says she can't go to work herself. And no real concern about the 8 year old who died in the arson.

The truth proves illusive, but not for long. Kudos here go to Alana DeLa Garza who in a mountain of paperwork discovers the real truth behind the arson. Quite a truth it is too.
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