Review of Easy Work

Easy Work (1924)
14 May 2013
Only about four minutes of this short comedy seem to survive. In it, Slim Summerville and Bobby Dunn play a Mutt and Jeff pair in a couple of sequences: one in which they find a coin and lose it and then a longer bit in which they play a couple of paperhangers with an obdurate roll of wall paper and a pretty client with an irate husband whose anger makes Summerville put on a dress to escape -- he makes a very gawky female impersonator. The papering sequence is fairly standard, but expertly performed, as you might expect.

Fans of silent films will look at this scrap eagerly; any silent comedy should be prized and the disappearance of about 90% of silent cinema is a shame. However, while the parts that do survive are decent, this was almost certainly no masterpiece.
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