I gotta be honest.I kinda...liked it
16 May 2013
Our homicidal mutant mountain hillbilly thingies this time descend on a town which is holding a mountain man hillbilly mutant thingie festival, in order to spring their not-mutant-&-capable-of-speech-but-just-as-mean Pa from the town's jail. It's up to a bunch of spunky twentysomethings posing as teens and a just as spunky and suspiciously kinda hot female sheriff to thwart their plans.

So, let's break a film called Wrong Turn FIVE (my emphasis) down objectively and examine its pitfalls. Yes the acting is dire from most of the players. However that doesn't matter because there's nigh on zero character development anyway, as everyone is really just a ninepin to be bloodily bowled over.

Yes, the characters make dumb stupid decisions... like they do in many many other really dumb but nonetheless fun horror flicks.

Yes, some of the CGI is pretty damn unforgivable but... um, well at least they throw some old school, FX into the mix as well... I guess.

Yes it has stupid plot holes like a town holding a festival suddenly becoming deserted but on the other hand it's from a franchise about mutant hillbilly thingies going on a rampage for no discernible reason, which isn't particularly realistic to begin with so y'know, let's not nit pick here.

But look... if you're really the type of horror fan that demands critical merit from each and every one of your horror films, then sorry but with respect, you've no damn business watching a fourth direct to DVD sequel about a bunch of murderous mutant hillbillies to begin with.

However, anyone who has actually watched the previous four Wrong Turns and pretty much lowered their expectations after the first film, will probably have two blunt fundamental questions:

#1) Does this deliver in the gore department? Hell yes. This is to the Wrong Turn franchise what The Collection was to um... The Collector but point being, it's basically a succession of really sadistic set piece kills, and although the characters are pretty well, characterless you still can't help feeling sorry for them as the manner in which they die is quite frankly unutterably cruel and just plain wrong. I was actually pleasantly surprised at how mean spirited it is, but it really is a nasty piece of work altogether which in my world equates to win.

#2) Does it have boobage? Yep. Perky ones too.

And as well as that, it's nicely paced and that's all anyone needs to know when watching a film called Wrong Turn 5: Bloodlines. It's cheap, dumb and vacuous but delivers in what it sets out to do, is never dull and is probably best watched with like minded mates when drunk or else altered in some other manner, like the way many characters are kinda altered in Bates Motel. And again it's way mean spirited so if you're ever bored and have nothing else to stick on, then you could do a lot worse and it should reasonably entertain, so long as you're willing to park your brain at the door, and as somebody stupid once probably said (and probably said it defensively) "brains are overrated anyway.."

Anyway, 6/10 for Wrong Turn 5: Bloodlines. Daft film, but pretty fun.
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