The Four Just Men: The Battle of the Bridge (1959)
Season 1, Episode 1
Interesting Series. with a great cast.
16 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
FOUR JUST MEN – "The Battle Of The Bridge" – 1959 This series is the tale of four men from various backgrounds who gather to fight injustice. The four men are, Jack Hawkins, Dan Dailey, Vittorio De Sica and Richard Conte. This episode, the first of the series, is used to supply the viewer with background information on the men, and how they met.

An Allied submarine surfaces off the Italian cost during the dark of night. A small group of US and UK special force types are put ashore. The group is headed one of the UK officers, Anthony Bushell. Their job is to plant explosives on a bridge and destroy it when the Allied invasion starts the next day.

Needless to say, the Germans have other ideas as to the survival of said bridge. A fire-fight is needed before the issue is settled and the bridge wired for destruction. Now they need to wait till the invasion starts before blowing it. Again the Germans have other plans and send more troops to retake the bridge.

Most of the Commandos are killed with only Conte, Hawkins, De Sica, Dailey and Bushell escaping after blowing the bridge. They all agree to meet in 15 years and share a drink or two.

15 years later they all meet at Bushell's large estate in the English countryside. That is, all but Bushell. He has died of cancer. He has however left them a recording explaining what he wants. Bushell has left them a very large sum of money. He trusts that the men will know how, and when to use the cash. It must be used to help people in trouble and to fight injustice.

The four all sign a document swearing to fulfill Bushell's wish.

A very impressive group of support people are involved with the series. First we have the director, Basil Dearden. Dearden is known for helming several top-flight UK crime and noir films. These include, FRIEDA, CAGE OF GOLD, THE BLUE LAMP, THE SQUARE RING, POOL OF London, THE GENTLE GUNMAN, THE SHIP THAT DIED OF SHAME, NOWHERE TO GO and SAPPHIRE. He also directed, LEAGUE OF GENTLEMEN, VICTIM, MAN IN THE MOON and KHARTOUM.

The d of p was Ken Hodges. His worked include episodes of THE BUCCANEERS, ROBIN HOOD, SIR LANCELOT and THE THIRD MAN. His various films included, A DAY IN THE LIFE OF JOE EGG, THE RULING CLASS, DEAD MAN'S EVIDENCE, NO SEX PLEASE: WE'RE British and the 1975 remake of, THE SPIRAL STAIRCASE.

On the writing side we have a story by actor Don Castle and writer, producer, Gene Coon. And all this is based on the novel by Edgar Wallace. (B/W)
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