Purgatory Blues (2001 Video)
An interesting oddity
16 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Loser drug addict Jack (well played by writer/director John Bacchus) winds up in hell after he gets killed by Steve (essayed with perfectly hateful aplomb by Aaron Walton), who's the abusive husband of the sweet Martha (a fine and sympathetic performance by Debbie Rochon). Jack strikes up a deal with the head demon known as The Principal (a deliciously vampy'n'campy portrayal by the inimitable Julie Strain) in order to get out of hell and return to life: He has 72 hours to corrupt an innocent soul or else he'll be condemned to Hades forever. Bacchus brings a pleasingly quirky sensibility to the offbeat and unpredictable story that culminates in one doozy of a surprise dark ending: There's a wealth of funky stylistic flourishes, colorful eccentric characters aplenty, and a nifty and creative sense of oddball humor. The lively cast have a ball with the idiosyncratic material, with especially stand-out work from David Fine as hapless miserable persecuted wretch Roger Evans and Michael R. Thomas as Jack's fed-up disapproving father. Popping up in cool bit roles are Darian Caine as Miss Hell 1932 and the ever-adorable Misty Mundae as a junked-out hooker (yep, Misty does indeed get naked once again). Spencer Snygg's garish cinematography offers a striking array of bizarre visuals. A delightfully strange one-of-a-kind curio.
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