Review of 6 Month Rule

6 Month Rule (2011)
I liked it
18 May 2013
I wasn't sure whether the other 4 reviews were fake or not but decided to give it a try anyway as I like the genre.

And I'm glad I did it; this was pretty cool and well acted.

Despite the low budget, this doesn't show and the characters felt genuine and at ease, even though they're not blockbuster stars. Also they are given enough screen time so that you can actually start to care for them.

I liked the guy who played Ty (he seems pretty natural on screen) and the girl which played Sophie was a very pleasant surprise as well.

The fact that it doesn't feel contrived or cheesy at any point, it doesn't try too hard and yet somehow it touches some chords inside, made it work for me.

All in all, it left me with a pleasant feeling, even though you don't get the standard happy ending fare in this one.
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