fun if you have black sense of humor-watch Oslo Aug 31 instead
19 May 2013
This made for TV has Dennis Weaver at 59 playing a 48 year old real estate agent whose career has hit a dead end. Weaver and his family are as square and corny as it is possible to be and the end screen shot showing them together like a Hallmark card was a perfect summation.

I found James Spader miscast... his attempts to be an all amercian macho teenager some how don't work with his quasi metro sexual look. There is something about him I don't care for---he thinks he is hotter than he is is about it.

Anyway by serendipity Weaver is introduced unwillingly to cocaine...his career rockets and he is hooked bad. Well things start to go wrong in stereotyped predictable fashion and he ends up ODing during a multi million dollar real estate deal.

There is obviously a lot of truth to the subject but this rendition is just too damn corny and exaggerated. It can be fun if you have a black sense of humor.

Drug movies are difficult not to appear stereotypical manipulative and exaggerated watch Oslo Aug 31 for a far far better one.

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