CGI version of the legend of the white snake
21 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is based on an old Chinese legend about a white snake that turned into a woman and falling in love with a man.

There are other versions of this story made into movies. The significant of this movie is the liberal use of computer graphics, making the snake-woman more visually convincing.

But the movie goes overboard with the CGI. Some of the effects look obviously fake and/or choppy. Perhaps they haven't mastered the CGI software.

Another thing that look out of place is the presence of a small animal sidekick. There is no such things as sidekicks in Chinese legends. It is very odd to see one in a Chinese movie. It is more like a Disney thing.

Also strange to see is a western monster like the flying demon. I think I saw it in some western monster movies recently. Perhaps they bought a pre-made and pre-animated monster cheap.

The story does not have enough plot to support a full length movie, so they added lots of unnecessary fights. It would be better and cheaper to add more twists.

Overall it is an OK movie, from a Hong Kong movie standard. Obviously it is sub-par when compared to Hollywood production.

I watched this movie using a streaming video service. There is English subtitle.
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